XY Oracle Network leveraged Blockchain Technologies to Build the World’s most Advanced Location-Based Network for Global Market


Basically, there’s no such distinction between Bitcoin ICO and Ethereum ICO.
ICO stands for (Initial Coin Offering) and may be a tool that allows the trading of Cryptocoins with cryptocurrencies of identical worth within the future. ICOs measure crucial within the raising of funds for the firm for projects as a result of the coins are release to the general public.
Ethereum is a Blockchain platform whereas Bitcoin is simply a decentralized coin currency. Bitcoin offers twenty one million coins obtainable for mining, whereas at Ethereum; solely decentralized applications run the system. The 2 are rigorously compared to Gold and aluminum. Wherever Bitcoin (Gold) integrates advanced technology and is of high worth.
The XYO Network is the foremost and 1st oracle network of Blockchain Proof network. Be part with in a much decentralized, location-driven mercantilism market that reaches $ eleven trillion (more than 3x larger than eCommerce).
Location data is employed throughout the day, each day round the world.
We are all changing into more and more hooked in to location data and in progress vehicles, unmanned craft delivery packages, and smart cities within the future can considerably increase their dependence on them.
The greatest challenges issue facing the globe nowadays in advancing into the future of a lot of economical technologies is proportional to our ability to trust location data.
"The needs for a hard-to-treat system to enhance the GPS has been known in the past. An extremely correct and reliable GPS, however congestion, spoofing, cyber-attacks and alternative sorts of distraction appear to extend in frequency and severity have the potential to destroy the results on life and our economic activity. "
  • President of the RNT Foundation, Dana Goward
    The present location technology is simply too inadequate to maneuver us into the future
    The XYO Network offer solution to existing challenges.
    The XYO network makes location data while not confidence doable through the technological system and therefore the crypto-location protocol necessary to bridge the gap from this present time into the future world.
    "XYO is the advance Blockchain Technology and will be Larger than Bitcoin and Ethereum Combined"
    If you think that Bitcoin and Ethereum have revolutionized the globe, you need to organize yourself for what's going to happen now.
    This advance technology is ready to be larger than the 2 combined. This will definitely change the lives of various folks everywhere in the world and enter into big market potential, which worth over $11 trillion annually.
    People will currently transact business while not knowing one another in "no trust" transactions. There’s no requirement for a trusted third party to resolve the dispute. Folks will send cash from one person to another without any financial institution as intermediary taking charge.
Token Sale
You are welcome to new possibility and build a decentralized world together.
XY has engineered the world of open location verification since 2012 by launching a successful customer GPS-GPS business that's essential for understanding and building a real-world location network. Presently, XY has over 100,000 beacons worldwide.
XY Releases XY4 + Device
XY release XY4 + device that makes it capable of operating as a XYO Network node through firmware updates.
Blockchain-Based Oracle Network XY Launched
The development of moving the network platform of the internal XY location to the open blocking implementation started:
XY Mints the first "XYO Token" Used for Intelligent Contracts to Access the XYO Network
The first XYO Token is made and represents the official currency to be used throughout the XYO Network.
Q3 & Q4
XY to completed API for Intelligent Contract Developer to communicate with Oracle XY Network
The release of the XYO Network API that enables smart contract developers to write down contracts to communicate with XY networks. Library to be developed: Ethica Solidarity Library, viper Ethereum Library and JavaScript library for websites communicate with XYO Network (similar to Web3.js integration with MetaMask).
XY to grow international Network Sentinel Multiple Location Equipment
Grow XY Sentinel coverage (location data supplier and verifier) still as alternative parts of the Oracle XY Network (Bridge, Archiver, Burial).
XY to Businesses, Organizations and Retail firms that Have Greater-Use Cases for Location Verification
Formalize business partnerships with larger firms and entities that will benefit from decentralized and unreliable location instincts (eg logistics systems, supply chain firms, auditors hours, eCommerce businesses and uncounted alternative niches).
XY Releasing Ground Tracking Device Tracking: The "XYGPS"
XY launched the world's 1st GPS hybrid and Bluetooth enabled device. XYGPS will report its location anyplace in the world wherever Cellular data and GPS are obtainable.
XY Crossing the 1,000,000 Beacon Marks
XY device 1 million born.
Q1 & Q2
XY to finish XYO in check Network ("XY TestNet")
XY can complete the event of Oracle Testnet XY and start launching location-focused blockchain protocols to its lookout device.
XY will launch XY Oracle Main Network ("XY MainNet")
XY can launch the total launch of the Oracle XY Network to XY the lookout beacon and begin tests with new lookout partners (especially IoT firms and mobile app developers).
XY to unleash XY Sticker-Based Tracker, which can added to the eCommerce Package
Launch the "XY-Stick" product that enables eCommerce retailers to trace every of their product in realtime.
XY to Launch SatoshiXY and VitalikXY LEO Satellite Sentinels
Shares are oversubscribed on XYO's Low Earth Orbit satellite; The bet represents possession within the XYO Token award section.
XY to broaden the Global Reach of the entire Oracle XY Network
Smart contract platform: Ethereum
Contract Type: ERC20
Token: XYO
Token Name: XYO Network Utility Token
Total issuance: Finite and capped at the amount reached after the Token Main Sale 15
ICO Sale: 20 Mar 2018 – 20 May 2018
Amount issued during the main sale: Unlimited
Unsold and Unallocated tokens: Burned after the token sale event. No further XYO tokens will be generated after the Main Sale ends.
For a lot of information:
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/xyonetwork
author link
Bitcointalk Profile ( Minakjingg01922 ) :


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