Globaltalent - Decentralized Sports Powered Blockchain Revolution

The GLOBATALENT Foundation, a public blockchain project, will be in charge of ensuring and applying all fair-play commitment and push for a fair sports industry to promote values like sacrifice, commitment, fair-play, effort, perseverance, determination, discipline, modesty and honesty.

The GLOBATALENT Foundation will develop a tool that will allow clubs or players to sell their rights (sporting rights, image, and future incomes) to their fans. Clubs and players can be funded by partial sale of their future income rights and continue their career or season. The platform will be completely FREE for all of them and will exclude third parties.

GLOBATALENT is a decentralized marketplace where investors and fans can invest in clubs or players and obtain returns by buying and selling future benefits guaranteed by their image rights, player transfers, prize money, salaries, ticketing, TV contracts or any other income they receive.

Currently, sponsoring rights, transfer rights and many other rights that are involved in sports, are centralized in just a few companies or agencies. To transfer soccer (football) players there are only a few main agents who control almost 100% of the entire market. Recently, the FIFA (International Federation of Association Football) banned Hedge Funds in soccer so that they cannot control financial fair-play. Sports should belong to the fans and not to a selected few. We must have decentralized sports where fans can invest in their sports idols and role models. Today, a fan who loves his team can only be a supporter and does not have any other rights.

Decentralized Sports Rights Solution :

The Solution for Clubs
GLOBATALENT will help clubs receive financial support, decentralize the sport industry and allow fans to invest in their teams achieving benefits. Through the GLOBATALENT platform, clubs will be
able to sell and tokenize their rights and receive profits and benefits in advance while enjoying their all-star players’ performances.

The Solution for Athletes
GLOBATALENT will allow young players to sell part of their future incomes without having to have an everlasting mortgage on their life. Fans will become interested in supporting a young talented player and receiving a profit for doing so. The community of GLOBATALENT will make sure that young athletes will have a chance to manage their own lives and benefit from their own talent.

The initial set-off of the platform will be through a crowd sale dashboard accessible via offering 500,000,000 out of roughly 850,000,000 initial GLOBA Tokens (GBT). GBTs will be distributed in two crowd sales :
(1) a private pre-sale 
(2) followed by a primary crowdsale. 
350,000,000 GBT will be excluded from the crowd sales which is described below in the “GBT RESERVE” section after the initial 850,000,000 GLOBAL tokens are created.

Private Pre-Sale
  • 40% of the total crowd sale will be offered to a private accredited investors with a 30% discount through SAFT Agreement (Simple Agreement for Future Tokens).
  • The private pre-sale will be open from April 16th 2018, to May 18th, 2018. Only Accredited Investors will be able to purchase GBTs in this sale, by signing a SAFT Agreement.
  • GBTs offered: maximum 200.000.000 GBTs = $22.000.000 USD = 0.11$/GBT
Primary Crowd Sale (Public)
  • The following discounts will be offered: 
    (a) purchases from May 21st to May 23rd, 2018 = 18% bonus discount, 
    (b) purchases from May 24th to May 27th, 2018 = 10% bonus discount, and 
    (c) purchases from May 28th to May 31st, 2018 = 0% bonus discount. 
    The sale will be open from [*]. Subject to change that would be announced before the ICO
  • GBTs offered : maximum 300.000.000 GBTs = $39.000.000 USD = 0.13$/GBT

GGT Reserve 
20% by Co-founders*.
7% by Advisors
7% by the Reserve Fund
5% by the Partnership signing bonuses
3% by Promotional Bounty
Crowd Sale 58% by Portfolio
Token Distribution Total fund: $61.000.000 USD to be part of creating a decentralized world. GBT distribution will be supported initially by the co-founders and the advisors, athletes and sports institutions, that will be involved from the beginning, like some clubs, athletes, etc.

Intended use of Token Revenue during the first 5 years

Development: (16%)
Marketing: (20%)
Operation & Legal: (10%)
Reserve Token Value: (50%)
Reserve: (2%)
Others: (2%)


For more information official web and support :


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